2014 Kiko doe - registered 100% NZ with AKGA Pedigree
When I purchased my new Kiko herd I had planned on getting a different 100% doeling; however when I saw Hershey and her dam I just had to have her! Her dam is a large framed doe with a beautiful dairy quality udder
and the sire shows great strength and muscling. Hershey appears to have gotten the best qualities from both parents and produced very nice kids her first year.
2009 Kiko doe - registered Purebred with AKGA Pedigree
Ginger was bred at Lookout Point Ranch, a Kiko herd in Oregon that's run on range year round and renowned for their hardiness. While lighter built than some of my does she has excellent feet, parasite resistance and maternal instincts. Her 2015 doelings are some of my nicest despite being born late.
Nettie is one of two new additions from Millicoma Pastures in Oregon. Their bloodlines trace back to Lookout Point Ranch, and selective breeding has resulted in some very impressive does that I'm excited to cross with my own lines.
Dottie is one of two new additions from Millicoma Pastures in Oregon. Their bloodlines trace back to Lookout Point Ranch, and selective breeding has resulted in some very impressive does that I'm excited to cross with my own lines.